Some Useful Websites for Web Developers

List of reference websites that are useful for web developers

Some Useful Websites for Web Developers

Hello World. Let's learn about a few websites that are useful to web developers.

Code Editors


CodePen is a popular online community where developers can showcase their code snippets for the web i.e HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Developers can create pens that are code snippets which can be shared online by sharing the URL for the pen, where users can easily view the output of the snippets as well as experiment with them.


StackBlitz is a popular online IDE that can be used to build web applications. It works well with static websites and all modern JavaScript frameworks. Angular, React, Vue, Svelte all such applications can be created on the website and shared with other developers to share small proof of concepts, prototypes or even share working code for components.


JSFiddle is another popular online IDE that is used to share code snippets and view the output right in the browser. The snippets are called fiddles and can be shared by sharing a URL with your collaborators.


CodeSandbox is an online IDE for web development. Users can rapidly prototype different modern framework projects, quickly share code snippets and test out different ideas for their web applications.



CanIUse is a website that keeps a track of each Web API and its compatibility with the different browsers available today. Each API and it's compatible browser version is listed on the website and can be easily looked up.


Carbon is an online tool that lets a user create beautiful images of code snippets that can be shared online. The code snippet can be edited easily along with the look of the image. The editor allows the user to customise the background, padding, code theme, syntax highlighting theme and more. This allows for a custom look and feel before sharing an image of the code snippet with others.


Emmet is a useful tool for web developers to cut down on time while writing HTML and CSS code. Emmet abbreviations are handy in writing out html code and the Emmet website has dedicated pages to make it easier for developers to identify useful parts of emmet

  1. Emmet Abbreviations Syntax
  2. Emmet Cheatsheet

MDN Docs

MDN stands for Mozilla Developer Network. MDN Web Docs are standard documentation for all web related subjects maintained by Mozilla. It maintains documentation for all web technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, CSS and more. Documentation helps identify the capabilities of the different technologies and their support with the current web browsers.


freeCodeCamp is an online community that maintains a forum for learning about current trends and technologies. Any web developer should visit freeCodeCamp's tutorials on their website or YouTube channel as it provides a great resource for starting to learn web technologies.


CSS-Tricks is a website wherein writers publish articles related to the web. Articles are published regarding the different technologies. The website started with CSS and has expanded to include different articles related to HTML and JavaScript and more. It provides good tutorials on building different ideas using web technologies available today.


Roadmap is a great website that provides a roadmap on becoming a web developer today. It provides an informative flowchart into the available technologies and logical flow to take while learning these technologies.

  1. Front End Roadmap
  2. Back End Roadmap
  3. React Roadmap


GoalKicker provides free programming books with quick notes regarding different concepts related to programming. It has books related to web technologies as well. In case anyone likes quick notes these books would come in handy.

  1. HTML5
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. TypeScript
  5. Reactjs
  6. Angular


There are a lot of useful resources for web developers today. I'm sure there are a lot more websites that haven't been covered for example there are a lot of fun CSS games to learn css which come in very handy. But hopefully this article provides a few resources to help our web development journey and continue to share knowledge with others so that everyone can grow and become much better devs.